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Speakers biobibliographies > Jules FALQUET

Jules Falquet 

Université Paris 8, LLCP, France 




Jules Falquet is full professor in Philosophy and member of the Laboratoire d’études et de recherches sur les logiques contemporaines de la philosophie (LLCP) at Paris 8 Vincennes-St Denis University. Her researches belong to a threefold framework including Francophone materialist feminism, the interlinking of sex, race and class social relations, and Abya Yala’s decolonial analysis. She has worked extensively on the effects of neoliberal globalization on the labour market, both in terms of internationalization and informalization, within the paradigm of « men in arms/service women », as well as on the gender of international migrations. She has also proposed, in a historical perspective, the concepts of « straight combinatorics » and of « dynamic interlinking of social relations » to analyse the implementation of the heteropatriarcal modern-capitalist world-system. Her most recent publications include Imbrication. Femmes, race et classe dans les mouvements sociaux. (Paris, Le Croquant, 2020) and “Francophone Materialist Feminism, the missing link. Towards a Marxist-feminism that accounts for the interlockedness of structural social relations of sex, race and class”, Capital & Class, Special issue on Marxist Feminism, forthcoming. Personal website : https://julesfalquet.com/

Conference abstract


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