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Speakers biobibliographies > Leopoldina FORTUNATI

Leopoldina Fortunati 

University of Udine, Italy



Leopoldina Fortunati is a feminist Marxist, activist and theorist. She is the author of L'Arcane de la reproduction : travail domestique, prostitution, travail et capitalShe was active in the student movement in 1968, then in Potere Operaio and finally in Lotta Femminista (Women’s Struggle), which later became the Comités pour le salaire au travail ménager. With Mariarosa Dalla Costa, she published Brutto ciao. Direzioni di marcia delle donne negli ultimi 30 anni (Edizioni delle donne, 1977); with Silvia Federici Il Grande Calibano. Storia del corpo sociale ribelle nella prima fase del capitale (Angeli, 1984), as well as several articles on the machinization of the sphere of reproduction.

Leopoldina Fortunati is Senior Professor of Sociology of Communications and Culture in the Department of Mathematical, Computer and Physical Sciences at the University of Udine in Italy, where she founded and directs the “NuMe” new media research laboratory. From 2009 to 2016, she directed the PhD program in Multimedia Communication. In 2015, she was a visiting professor at the University of Jvaskvla (Finland). In 2016, she was named a member of the Academia Europaea for her scientific contribution to gender studies and new media. Her works have been published in 11 languages. She has participated in several research projects at national, international and European levels. From 2002 to 2014, she was very active in COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, an organization that funds research and innovation networks), both in terms of management and the construction of research networks. She is an ICA Fellow.

Conference abstract


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