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Speakers biobibliographies > Sibylle GOLLAC

Sibylle Gollac

CNRS, Cresppa, France



Sibylle is a sociology researcher at the CNRS. Her thesis, entitled "Le pierre de discorde", analyzed family real estate strategies in contemporary France. 

In 2020, she published with Céline Bessière Le genre du capital. Comment la famille reproduit les inégalités (adapted as a comic strip with Jeanne Puchol in 2023, published by Delcourt/La Découverte). In it, they analyze the economic and legal dimensions of family relationships, through the study of inheritance and marital separation. They also co-wrote, with Collectif Onze,  Au tribunal des couples. Enquête sur des affaires familiales  (2013, Odile Jacob), adapted into comics by Baptiste Virot in 2020 for Casterman

Conference abstract



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