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Speakers biobibliographies > Geneviève PRUVOST

Geneviève Pruvost




Geneviève Pruvost is a research director in sociology of work, gender and ecological way of life at the Centre d’études des mouvements sociaux (Cems) of the EHESS, Paris. Her research focus on subsistence feminism, ecofeminist and the politicization of the lesser gesture. Her two books relating to the issue of social reproduction have been published by La Découverte: Quotidien politique. Féminisme, écologie, subsistance (2021), which follows the paper “Considering ecofeminism : Subsistence feminism and vernacular ecofeminism” (Travail, genre et sociétés, n°42, 2019), and La subsistence au quotidien. Conter ce qui compte (2024). 

Conference abstract




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