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Speakers biobibliographies > Christine VERSCHUUR

Christine Verschuur

Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement (IHEID) - Genève



Christine Verschuur is an anthropologist, full professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute from 1996 to 2018, belonging both to the Gender Centre and to the Anthropology and Sociology Department. She has been the founder and director of the cluster Gender and development at the Geneva Graduate Center and of the series Cahiers Genre et Développement published by L’Harmattan (Paris) since 2000. Her research has focused on social reproduction, solidarity economy, peasant organizations and experts in gender and development. She has notably worked and conducted research in Africa (Sahelian region and Mozambique) and Latin America (Comlumba, Brasil, Argentina, Cuba). She has organized many international symposiums on gender and development issues (about twenty of them between 1994 and 2018), building networks between the academic world, social and feminist movements and international organizations. She has published many books and papers or book chapters about gender, feminisms and development. Her most recent publications include Social Reproduction, Solidarity Economy and Democracy: Latin America and India, co-edited with Isabelle Guérin and Isabelle Hillenkamp (Palgrave Macmillan/Springer, 2021) and “Un regard décolonial sur les savoirs et mouvements féministes”, in Maïka Sondarjee (ed.), Perspectives feminists en relations internationales. Penser le monde autrement (Presses Universitaires de Montréal, 2022). 

Conference abstract




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